Churches and ministries partner with Reliant because they are working in a missional context where sources of central funding are not sufficient to make the work of ministry possible.
For instance, our founding churches and many of our partners today lead churches that are focused on major university campuses. A traditional "pass-the-plate" model does not produce nearly enough funds to support the work of the ministers there, yet outreach to college students in today's culture is critical. The church relies on the generous gifts of the wider Body of Christ to make the ministry possible.
New church plants are similar—many new church planters do not have a church in order to pay the salary of a pastor. Yet studies show that new churches can be very effective reaching into new areas who need to hear the gospel. The church planter relies on the generous gifts of others to support their ministry and make the church plant a reality. The Apostle Paul relied much on the same thing as he moved from city to city starting new churches, and the Philippians and Corinthians sent financial support to sustain his work.