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Who is Reliant?

We were born in 1989 as a mission support agency for a small group of campus church planters. A lot's changed since then! (Less stonewashed jeans, for one).

Today we mobilize church planters and missionaries across like-minded missional groups and church-planting networks. As we've expanded our partnerships, we've adopted a new name. Yet our devotion to Jesus' command to "Go and make disciples..." remains. It's who we are.

Annual Ministry Reports

2023 Annual Ministry Report

Light in the Darkness

2023 Annual Ministry Report
Published 2024
Our Annual Ministry Report is part of our commitment to integrity and impact. Issued each year by the Executive Director and the Treasurer, the report gives donors a clear summary view of our financial statements and a sense of each year's organizational progress.
  • 2022 Annual Ministry Report

    Built Together

    2022 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2023
  • 2021 Annual Ministry Report


    2021 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2022
  • 2020 Annual Ministry Report


    2020 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2021
  • 2019 Annual Ministry Report

    Celebrating 30 Years

    2019 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2020
  • 2018 Annual Ministry Report


    2018 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2019
  • 2017 Annual Ministry Report

    From Now Until Eternity

    2017 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2018
  • 2016 Annual Ministry Report


    2016 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2017
  • 2015 Annual Ministry Report


    2015 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2016
  • 2014 Annual Ministry Report

    GCM is Becoming Reliant

    2014 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2015
  • 2013 Annual Ministry Report

    Growth & Impact

    2013 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2014
  • 2012 Annual Ministry Report

    Unfolding Growth

    2012 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2013
  • 2011 Annual Ministry Report


    2011 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2012
  • 2010 Annual Ministry Report

    Gospel-centered, Broadly Connected

    2010 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2011
  • 2009 Annual Ministry Report

    Ministry Milestones

    2009 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2010
  • 2008 Annual Ministry Report

    Transforming Lives

    2008 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2009
  • 2007 Annual Ministry Report

    For Kingdom Expansion

    2007 Annual Ministry Report
    Published 2008

Annual Ministry Reports prior to those available here are available on request from our archives. Please feel free to contact us.