A Beautiful Journey

A wife shares honestly the expectations/challenges of joining her spouse in full-time ministry.

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A Beautiful Journey

Raegan McAdams | Jun 23, 2016, 19:17 PM

A wife shares honestly the expectations/challenges of joining her spouse in full-time ministry.

Honestly it felt like the normal thing to do, joining my husband, Jeff, in ministry. I first felt called to ministry in 7th grade, God confirmed my calling in 2010, and Jeff and I started dating in 2012. We were involved with two separate churches, but I visited Jeff’s here and there and eventually felt that’s where God was calling me. We got married in May, I went on staff in August, and we immediately began the support-raising journey. So many changes happened at once. It was stressful!

I had several new roles and tried to do them all perfectly. I became stressed, worn down, and mad at God. It was easy for me to compare myself to Jeff, who had a three-year head start on me — “Why am I not doing as well as him?” God graciously revealed to me a few things. I was trying to do it all on my own strength, apart from Him, which is just silly and impossible. Also, I am new to this. I will mess up, and it’s okay. God is working in me and through me for His great purpose (Phil. 2:13).

When I first felt called to ministry, I somehow knew that I’d be married to someone in ministry too. It sort of became my dream to do ministry with my husband. I think it is such a beautiful picture, offering both our individual selves and our marriage to God. God is smart in joining husband and wife together; we balance each other out. I’m so thankful to do ministry with Jeff, and I pray we get to for as long as we live. That being said, it isn’t always rainbows and butterflies. 

I think it is such a beautiful picture, offering both our individual selves and our marriage to God.

While doing ministry together is a beautiful gift, we experience struggles. Two areas in which we see the most difficulty are finances and intimacy. Both of our incomes are support-based. We often lose supporters, and that can feel discouraging. Most recently Jeff has felt discouraged and worried about finances to the point of wondering if he should find another job. This is scary and sad for me because I love doing ministry with him. As for intimacy, it’s difficult for us to fight for time together. Ministry is hard work; there’s always more to do, and it can be exhausting. We’re tired, and sadly we’re sometimes too tired for each other. Rather than relying on and trusting that God is the One working in people's’ hearts, we carry that burden ourselves.

However, despite these struggles, God is good. That’s what He uses them for, right? Our good (Jm. 1:2-4, Rom. 5:3-4). Even though we’re still in the midst of these trials, I can see God’s sanctifying hand. He is teaching us both to prioritize each other over work and, more importantly, to allow God to carry the burden of our work, making home life much more enjoyable.

When in ministry, you can be certain that God is working not only through you but also in you, continually sanctifying and bringing you closer to Himself, and I could not ask for a better ministry partner to share this beautiful journey with.

We are learning how to not give up on pursuing each other just like Christ never gives up on us, and through these lessons, we’ve been experiencing a deeper joy and connection in our marriage. Jeff and I both feel more encouraged about financial support as God has continued to show up in big ways, reminding us that He always takes care of His children. Just this week, we felt His blessing and favor as we were able to cut our phone bill in half while receiving a better service plan than before — plus our bill is paid in full for four months. This is only a small example of His provision for us.

As we transition into full-time support-raising this summer, we are walking in encouraged by and excited to see more of our Father’s faithfulness to us as we invite others to take part in His glorious mission. When in ministry, you can be certain that God is working not only through you but also in you, continually sanctifying and bringing you closer to Himself, and I could not ask for a better ministry partner to share this beautiful journey with.

Remember what I said about trying to do it on our own? Yeah, well, that’s something God continuously has to remind us. If God is calling you to support-based ministry, He will make a way.

“If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).