Just As You Are

Every believer is God’s masterpiece, and His plans often are not exactly what we expect.

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Just As You Are

Kathy Jackson | Jul 26, 2018, 14:48 PM

Every believer is God’s masterpiece, and His plans often are not exactly what we expect.

I was pretty much convinced that I did not have the "right" personality to be a Reliant missionary, so joining our church’s staff team 25 years ago was laughable — yes, I literally laughed at the missionary who challenged me to consider it! The Reliant missionaries I knew at that point, as a student, then a volunteer in my first two years living the dream as a working professional, were extroverted men. They were good with sharing the gospel and relating to college students, others-oriented. I did not know any women missionaries personally (there were very few with Reliant way back then), and I was not (and am still not) extroverted. I was fumbling, at best, with sharing the gospel. I could relate to college students since I was not that far removed from being one but could definitely use improvement in the others-oriented department.

That day that I was challenged to consider becoming a Reliant missionary, I was challenged to be open to how God uses people, all types of people, for His Kingdom work. His arms are open wide for all to come to Him and for all to be used by Him. What I saw as my weaknesses were/are not weaknesses in His eyes. The areas where I felt not quite qualified were areas that I would find myself relying on Him over and over again and a great reminder over the years that He was/is the one doing the work in people's' lives, not me.

Then there was the intimidation/fear of raising financial support. I thought maybe I could wait to become a missionary when I got married so I wouldn't have to raise support on my own. Ha! Good thing the scales tipped and I became more excited about the opportunity to be a missionary than fearful of support raising, or I would have waited to become a missionary for another 13 years, which is when I married a former missionary who had not raised 100 percent of his support!!!

So I started to pray and really get excited about this missionary thing. I already could see through my two years of volunteering with college students that God was using me just as I was. I was ready to commit and see what God did. Crazy how He opened doors and convinced me over the short time I had before attending Reliant’s support-raising training. I had missed the deadline for applying but was given an exception. I had one of the hardest interviews ever, walking away thinking for sure I wouldn't get accepted. The moment I thought a job as a missionary was out of reach, that's when I wanted it the most. Miraculously, I was accepted and attended Reliant’s training shortly after that. My first eight years as a campus minister showed me miracle after miracle of God working through me. I praise Him for the lives I've seen transformed, including women who are now wives of pastors with Reliant. (I wish I could have them share their own stories here!)

Currently I am serving God through Reliant with a role I dreamed about 16 years ago and slowly morphed into after serving in campus ministry, various roles in the Reliant office (including HR; support-raising training; finance; and ministry with young professionals at h2o Church in Orlando. I am enjoying my role of women's ministry coordinator with Collegiate Church Network. I not only have the privilege of encouraging and supporting women missionaries serving within the Collegiate Church Network but throughout Reliant. I love the mix of personal touches (cards and gifts and other correspondence), prayer and administrative tasks I get to use within my gift set to bless others.