David Grotheim | Aug 24, 2017, 15:03 PM
How an authentic and intentional lifestyle can make a lasting impact.
While most of the students we build into move on from our church once they graduate due to the nature of being a campus church, it's encouraging to have some stick around for their next phases of life with us. Here's an encouraging story from ministry in one of those next phases of life.
I was recently called by a friend to see if we could hang out and talk about the challenges of his young marriage. Unknown to both of us, his wife was also texting with my wife at the same time.
He and I talked a bit, laughing and empathizing about the challenges of becoming less selfish for all four parties that make up our two marriages! I was glad to be able to tell him much of what the Lord has done in my marriage as we have gotten wise counsel from others in some very low times — low times that he remembers me sharing with him in the past before he was married.
After some really good time hanging out and encouraging one another in the goodness of the Lord and some practical wisdom, my friend shared, with an appreciated sincerity, something like:
David, I just want you to know that much of the reason that my wife and I have been able to make it through some really tough times and have hope for the future in our marriage is because of the culture of openness, vulnerability and hope in the marriages that you and others have created in this church. Thank you.
I know the angels rejoice when little ones are saved, according to Jesus' words. I believe the angels rejoice also when love overcomes, giving way to joy, in the miracle of two becoming one flesh.
As campus missionaries, we don’t always see the complete fruit of our labors with students, but stories like this encourage us that when we invest in these students during their time in college, we may not know the lasting impact that follows into later seasons of life.