For this college student a quick meeting on campus at a church info table helped open doors for him to receive the greatest gift imaginable.
Read MoreJeff McAdams | Aug 2, 2017, 13:27 PM
For this college student a quick meeting on campus at a church info table helped open doors for him to receive the greatest gift imaginable.
Andrew's story reminds me of God's faithful, never-ending, pursuit of us as His children. Andrew stopped by our church's table on the campus of the University of North Texas one day. He expressed interest in our church and communicated that he had been curious about God lately. So, I invited him to our home group. At first he couldn't come, but he did agree to grab coffee with me. He shared how he'd come from a rough family background and wasn't a Christian; however, Andrew was interested in God. It was clear God had been calling out to him recently. I told Andrew about the impact that Jesus has had on my life and that Jesus could impact his life too. Though I continually invited him, I didn't see him for about month after that.
It was clear God had been calling out to him recently.
Then he texted me saying he was ready to visit home group. He came and talked about how God had been pursuing him and how he had been having lots of spiritual experiences. Andrew explained he realized that there really is a spiritual realm, and that Jesus is the ruling God over every existing entity. In that particular home group meeting we discussed baptism, and Andrew expressed that he'd like to be baptized. So, I got together with him after that to share the gospel with him. He had lots of questions but eagerly embraced the Bible's message about Jesus and his salvation. Andrew made the decision to follow Christ, and he got baptized that following Sunday!
Shortly after that, Andrew had to move back home so I haven't gotten to meet regularly with him for discipleship. I'm encouraged, though, that God allowed me to be there during the most important time of Andrew's life: when he met Jesus. I'm sure God is now co-laboring with Andrew to reach his family members. I look forward to one day finding out all that God does in Andrew's life.