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How to Give

Can I use my bank account to give?

Absolutely. Reliant recommends our secure bank account transfer for lowest administrative overhead. You need to only provide a routing number and bank account number. Checking accounts or savings accounts can be used if a routing number is provided.

How To Give

Website & Technical Questions

Can I use my bank account to give?

Absolutely. Reliant recommends our secure bank account transfer for lowest administrative overhead. You need to only provide a routing number and bank account number. Checking accounts or savings accounts can be used if a routing number is provided.

How To Give

About Supporting Missionaries

Can I use my bank account to give?

Absolutely. Reliant recommends our secure bank account transfer for lowest administrative overhead. You need to only provide a routing number and bank account number. Checking accounts or savings accounts can be used if a routing number is provided.

How To Give

About Reliant & Accountability

Can I use my bank account to give?

Absolutely. Reliant recommends our secure bank account transfer for lowest administrative overhead. You need to only provide a routing number and bank account number. Checking accounts or savings accounts can be used if a routing number is provided.

How To Give

Can I use my bank account to give?

Absolutely. Reliant recommends our secure bank account transfer for lowest administrative overhead. You need to only provide a routing number and bank account number. Checking accounts or savings accounts can be used if a routing number is provided.

How To Give

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